Monday, October 11, 2010

A New Hope

Good news!  The latest FACS results from blood taken on September 30th indicate no change in the peripheral blood hairy cell burden or the percentage of lymphocytes that express the hairy cell phenotype (characteristics).  This gives more credence to the hypothesis that the positive FACS results are due to the Rituxan monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) detaching from the residual hairy cells and clearing my system.  The hairy cells may have always been there, but now they are no longer masked by the Rituxan and are once again detectable by FACS.  The important point is that the percentage of hairy cells in the blood remained unchanged at .04%, so the malignancy is not dividing/growing in numbers.  We'll continue to monitor over the months to come, but given that the results are identical to those from 4 weeks ago, I'm very hopeful.

Here's a video of my latest bloodcounts.  Please excuse the melodramatic soundtrack,  I was just indulging in some creative publishing ...
In other news, I'm very excited about a drug I found while researching the relationship between lipid rafts and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies.  It may have significant potential in treating HCL -- perhaps 5 to 100 times greater potency than Rituxan.  Pursuant to my inquiries, HCL investigators, who were previously unaware that the drug existed, are now performing detailed analysis of its potential in treating HCL that could lead to some preliminary in vitro laboratory studies.  If all goes well, it may be used in a Phase 1 trial to treat HCL patients who otherwise would have to resort to palliative treatment options.  Maybe several years down the road, it will also become part of the standard arsenal in treating this disease. 

We HCL'ers are fortunate to have so many options and doctors who are willing to listen to and pursue our questions.  It's a good feeling to know that in some small way we can help fight the war on cancer and not be its victims.