My neutrophils jumped from 1.29 last week all the way up to 1.70, and my liver enzymes dropped by more than 10%. The AST level is back to normal. Everything seems to be moving in the right direction, so I think I'll stick with the vitamin and chamomille cocktail I described in my previous post. I'm still doing the coffee/caffeine thing too.
As I write this post, I'm getting my 5th infusion of Rituxan. Prior to treatment, they drew blood for a FACS analysis to count the peripheral hairies, but I'm very confident they won't find any this time.
I'll add plots of the last 3 weeks' blood counts tonight, when I can get to a computer.
Here they are. As you can see most of the counts are back up to the levels they were at just prior to my first Rituxan treatment, when they had already peaked and had started to trend downward. Let's hope the upward momentum keeps going.

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