I thought I'd share a few plots I've generated of my various blood counts. First, the white blood cell (WBC) count data. As you can see, the WBC was below the low end of normal prior to chemotherapy and is currently holding at ~1000 cells/uL. I've got a long way to go to get back to normal (the red line).

Next, the RBC counts. My red cells are also below the low end of normal but seem to be holding out. Based on the current trend in the curve, it looks like they may start to come back up soon.

Now for the some good news. My platelets are back on the rise, and they're the harbingers of recovery so this is a good sign.

But of course, the neutrophils have to put a damper on everything. Still, the rate at which they're declining is decelerating, so we should see a U-turn soon.
Lastly, the lymphocyte count is 30% of the low end of normal. Most of what's left (95%) are T-cells (that's what the report said). NK cells make up 4.5% and B-cells make up only 0.5% of the remaining lymphocytes. That's fine with me. It's a B-cell that mutated into a hairy cell and got me in this mess, so I'm not such a big fan of them anyway.
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